Monday, April 06, 2009

Hosting April 2009 Grow Your Own Roundup


Our blog will be hosting the Grow Your Own Roundup for April 2009.  Don’t know what Grow Your Own is?  Well, let me tell you.

Grow Your Own was created by Andrea of Andreas’ Recipes to showcase homegrown products.  GYO is a roundup of recipes featuring ingredients that have been grown in your own garden, or foraged from your area.  If you were given an ingredient that came from a friend’s garden, that counts as well.

These days, growing your own food is a great way to save money.  It also is a way to ensure you’re getting the freshest, most healthy food available.  You know exactly when and where your food comes from, as well as what went into it.

Now, I realize that most of us in the Northern Hemisphere are just coming out of Winter, so the ground hasn’t quite thawed out enough to grow food.  But some of you are lucky enough to live in more temperate climates where it’s easier to grow food year-round. And, some of our readers come from the Southern Hemisphere, which is heading into Fall and all the abundant food that comes with it.

So, how about it?

Have you blogged about something in the month of April that features an ingredient that you grew yourself?  Send me an email by April 30 to   launate (at) gmail (dot) com with the following information:

  • Subject: GYO #27
  • Name, State, Country
  • Blog URL
  • post permalink
  • 300x300 pixel picture of your dish.

Include a link to this announcement in your blog post. When I post the actual roundup on or about May 1, then update the link to the actual roundup.

I look forward to seeing your GYO dishes!

Aloha, Nate

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Hungry for more roundup fun? Click below:

Quick and Easy Pasta With Light Cream Sauce Recipe (Presto Pasta Nights)

Pandan Kaya Bread (Yeastspotting)

Ikan Pepes - Indonesian Spiced Fish (Waiter, There’s Something in My…Indonesian Recipe)

Steel Cut Oatmeal (Weekend Breakfast Blogging)

Sweet Corno di Toro Peppers in Mexican Chopped Salad (No Croutons Required)


  1. Glad to see you're hosting! I will definitely be sending something along. I don't have a lot in the garden right now, but I do have scallions, mint and sage... Hopefully by the end of the month my lettuces will be big enough for a salad..

  2. We just got our new raised beds built and seeded, so hopefully we'll have lots of spring vegetables sprouting soon. Thanks for hosting this month!

  3. I'll be there in spirit, since as you know, I'm a horrible gardener. I've even killed cactus and ivy. But I do have some lonely chives growing in my yard now. That's about it.

  4. @Julia - sounds like a plan!

    @Andrea - microgreens are yummy ;-)

    @Carolyn - I can think of lots of things you can do with chives...

  5. I've been planting two kinds of chilies, three kinds of tomatoes, mint, spinach, radicchio, chives, lemon cucumber and peas but the weather in Montreal is still very cold and things are growing slooooooowly....they're only baby sprouts right now. I hope the spinach would be ready before the month ends...

  6. This sounds like so much fun! All of the veggies in our garden are just babies - but our young chickens just started laying eggs, so I'll probably write about how we used them! So much fun to be able to connect our kids to their food!

  7. @Elaine - looking forward to seeing your spinach entry ;-)

    @Michelle - ditto for your egg entry! I'm really interested in backyard chicken raising.

  8. I grow a lot of herbs in my garden and one of my mainstay "herb" is green onions. I'm submitting one for GYO #27. I've just blogged about my Tofu and Veggie Nabe dish. It's my first time with GYO, how do I submit the pictures to you?

  9. Email your pics to me. The address is launate (at) gmail (dot) com.

  10. I just finished my post, which will go live on April 27. Here is the link for when the time comes...

    Thanks! This is a fantastic challenge :-)

  11. Thanks for letting me know about GYO. I'll submit a photo here shortly.

  12. We have been eating from our garden almost every day during April! We have been blessed with some cool weather that has helped to keep all of the lettuce from bolting.

    This month, we've been eating asparagus, sugar snap peas, lettuce, green onions, swiss chard, spinach, radishes, turnips, rosemary, and carrots.

    We should have artichokes by the end of the week! We are so excited!

  13. I look forward to seeing all the recipes and just sent you the info for my knotweed crisp. I had the leftovers for lunch today!

  14. Thanks so much for inviting me. This is so neat!

  15. @all - April 30 is the deadline to send your entries in! Thanks to those who have already sent in your entries. Watch for the roundup to be posted on May 1!


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