Monday, July 06, 2009

House of Annie is Moving


This isn’t the post I intended to write.

A few months back, I wrote a post about how our blog was growing and I was preparing to move to our own, hosted WordPress domain. Except for those times when we did the Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24 Ultimate Rib Showdown and the Ultimate Backyard Luau, I wasn’t posting much. You may have noticed the last two weeks have been pretty quiet around here.

I wish I could say I was hard at work on the new site. I wish this post would be the long-awaited announcement that the new domain was ready to roll. But sadly, the House of Annie is not moving to a new domain (yet).

The House of Annie is literally moving to Malaysia.

The short version goes like this: In April, we got word that Annie had to fulfill her two-year homestay requirement as stipulated on her foreign exchange visa. Decisions were made, and as a result, we will be leaving the US to live in Malaysia in August. (For those of you who want the long version, see my Xanga post on the subject.)

So, rather than migrating posts and tweaking templates, I have been busy making arrangements, getting rid of everything, and preparing to move our family. We’ve also been trying to spend time with our friends before we leave. It’s a lot to do in a short amount of time.

Just the Beginning

This doesn’t mean that the House of Annie blog is ending. NO WAY! As the song says, “we’ve only just begun".” We’ve so much more to share with you!

We have a lot of pictures and recipes queued up to post. We have also been eating out at some of our favorite places, as well as new places we’ve been meaning to try. All those merit blog posts as well.

Malaysia has some of the most fantastic food in the world. Annie has been dying to savor the comfort foods of her youth, so you know we’ll be blogging a lot about eating out in Malaysia. We’ll also be closer to her Mum and family, so there’s bound to be lots of home-cooked dishes as well as baking recipes.

I am excited about interacting with other food bloggers in that part of the world. We have had lots of fun meeting and eating with floggers such as Bee from Rasa Malaysia, Carolyn Jung the FoodGal and Michael Chu of Cooking for Engineers. I am looking forward to meeting up with folks like Robyn of EatingAsia, Babe_KL from Babe in the city KL, and Pablopabla from Hochiak! Delicious Asian Food. Of course, I wouldn’t mind hooking up with other floggers in the region as well.

Give Us Some Time

As our move date looms ever closer, I think we’ll be hard pressed to keep up with the posts. Especially after we move out of our place and lose our broadband connection. I don’t know what the broadband Internet situation will be like when we move to Malaysia either. Please bear with us!

The best way to stay in touch with us is to subscribe to our blog either through the RSS feed or through email. Once things get a little more settled, then we will figure out how much blogging we can do from there.

Aloha, Nate


  1. Welcome back home folks.. looking forward to getting pampered by Annie's cakes and cooking :-)

  2. I'll miss reading your posts in the meantime. Good luck with your move and have a safe trip!

  3. Annie & Nate,
    I am addicted to your blog and I will be following your blog where ever you are.
    I left Malaysia when I was 18, that was 15 yrs ago. Now living in Chicago. Your blog is one my go to recipes place when I am homesick. A lot good outcome from the recipes as well. Thank you.

    With your upcoming local food updates, I will be able to go eat at the latest hot spots when I go home.

    All the best with your move.


  4. Welcome home! Hope you have a smooth transition. Will definitely wait for your next update. All the bests and good luck!

  5. Hope your move will go smoothly, looking forward to your blogging from malaysia, lots to blog about over there! :)

  6. wow, wondered why I hadn't heard anything in a while! Congrats on the move, and the chance to delve into another food culture. Looking forward to reading along :-)

  7. hope your move will be a smooth one! best of luck!

  8. Wishing you the best with your move to Malaysia. I am sure that your family will enjoy living there. Can't wait to see more deliciousness from KL.


  9. Wow. That is both exciting and sad. For some reason I feel like I will miss you though I have never met you! But a move to Malaysia sounds so romantic. I can't wait for more details. GREG

  10. have a safe trip! and can't wait until your big return to the blog world!

  11. Ha Ha! I thought the pic was some sort of bento box before I saw a close up. Shows you where my brain is. Who will live closer to us, Nate or Annie? =)

  12. Good luck with the move Annie & Nate! I wished we met earlier but I'm glad we did finally meet. I'll be following your culinary adventures in Malaysia. I'm sure it'll seem like home after awhile but for your readers it'll be like following you on an exotic extended travel adventure. And if you ever get home sick for California you can always check back at my blog. ;-) Safe travels!

  13. Wahhhh! Say it isn't so! Sigh. Wish you guys weren't moving. But I know things always work out. So, I look forward to the day that you can return to the South Bay. We'll drink some more pineapple martinis to celebrate that when the time comes. ;)

  14. @all - thanks for your comments!

    @JT - Hey cousin! Will we see you every night at Mum's house after work?

    @judyfoodie - thanks! I'll try to schedule some posts to be published during our time offline.

    @sandrine - thank you so much for your kind words! We are pleased that you like our recipes.

    @Food For Tots - thanks for your kind wishes! We really appreciate it.

    @Christelle - I know! It's really exciting in that aspect. But we hope that we can provide a different angle than the many excellent Malaysian food blogs already out there.

    @Gudrun - thanks for sticking with us!

    @K and S - mahalo!

    @Tuty - thank you.

    @SippitySup - I know! I wish we could have gone down to SoCal and participated in one of your fabulous 24, 24, 24 events. Oh well, guess we'll have to do it virtually.

    @Lyn - thanks!

    @J - hee hee. That pic is of the suitcase that we're trying to sell.

    @SingleGuyBen - I'm glad we finally got to meet at Carolyn's. Your blog is one of the few East Bay blogs I always check out. Keep the posts coming!

    @Carolyn - it has been a real pleasure getting to know you and Meat Boy. We'll be back, for sure!

  15. Love your blog and all your AMAZING recipes. Best of luck with the move. I am excited to see the type of recipes that you'll come up with once you're established. Best of luck!


  16. Welcome to Malaysia!!! The floggers here are more than welcome you guys ;-) Food crawls can be arranged :D

  17. Hi N&A,

    Good luck in your move. How overwhelming ... hope you can store your smoker if you can't bring it with you. :) Yours is the second food blog I ever saw, and I've been following ever since. Look forward to when you get set up again.

  18. I have missed your posts, but look forward to your appraisal of MY and posts about your 2 year adventure. Are you going to live in the KL area? We plan on moving to KL in 2010 or 2011, depending on the recession. Please post about your impressions on general life in MY. Thanks so much.

  19. have missed your posts but am looking forward to your move to a new place!

  20. Look forward to the adventure! I loved our time in Malaysia and the food was fantastic. May God bless you and your family in this move.

  21. Have a safe trip back to Malaysia. Soon you will able to enjoy delicious delicacies from your childhood without the hassle of cooking it at home.:-)

  22. Best luck to you and your new adventures in your new home. It was great meeting Annie and you at the Foodbuzz Featured Food Publisher @ Gochi. We enjoy reading your recipes on House of Annie and hope that you keep the blog updated with new flavorful inspirations from Malaysia.

  23. Hi Nate Annie - welcome home to Malaysia. it will be a transition but don't worry you will love it here. Especially the will have so much to write about. But I know it will be hard at first to adjust but with God's will and grace, everything will be under control. I pray for a smooth transition.

  24. Best Of Luck for your move

  25. Valerie K7:22 AM

    God bless with the move! Two years will go by so fast in a blink. We looking forward with open arms here.

  26. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Aw :O( Sad to hear of this, even if I don't personally know you guys. And I'm in FL. But I hope that your family has a safe trip, and good luck in Malaysia. I agree with the other users; I will follow the blog wherever you guys may be! :O)

  27. Good to hear that we are going to have additions to Malaysia soon instead of migrations :D

    Welcome back!

  28. I hope your move is easy and that broadband connection when you get there is available. I had hoped since we live in the same area that we could one day meet and share some food. We'll have to do that when you get back in two years! In the meantime I'm looking forward to your adventures in Malaysia.

  29. I will miss the yummy posts for a while. Good luck on your move. I hope you have a smooth one.

  30. Moving can be so stressful, especially international moves (done a few myself). Take care and hope your move goes smoothly and everything works out for you in your new home.

  31. Wow, what a big adventure for you. I'm sure there will be some stress involved, but I'm looking forward to seeing what recipes you'll be sharing from there. I'll definitely keep subscribing until you get back to regular updates.

    I'm a huge fan of Eating Asia. Give those guys my best wishes if you do get to meet them!

  32. Wow, that is so exciting and I am so looking forward to reading about your adventures in Malaysia!

  33. Oh NO! But, oh WOW at the same time! We'll all miss you here from the states but know that you'll be just as happy in Malaysia.
    Good luck to your family and we look forward to following your eating adventures over there.

  34. Have a safe journey home. I'll be waiting patiently for your new posts here.

  35. Oh my, the journey has just begun indeed! Malaysia is food haven and there will be so many culinary adventure to experience. I wish you guys all the best and my goodness, this means when i go back for CNY, we'll probably be able to meet up as well! Happy packing and all the best Nate&Annie :)

  36. hi annie.. im newbie in food blog.. can i add u my blog buddy..?? thanks!

  37. what else can i say except see u soon and welcome home :)

  38. Hope to "see" you soon. Can't wait to read your posts.

  39. Hey Nate and Annie, as last minute good luck and best wishes. It was great to finally meet you last year and hope you have a great time back home.

  40. Just checking in on the big move! GREG
