Tuesday, October 27, 2009

House of Annie’s Third Bloggerversary

Esther blowing out 3rd birthday cake

Today marks the 3rd anniversary for the House of Annie food blog and boy did it come up fast! We originally had plans to do something big and fun to celebrate but since Annie and I were out of town in KL, we didn’t have enough time to work it all out. Oh well; there’s always next month…

A lot has changed in a years’ time!  A year ago, we were happily living, eating out and cooking in San Jose, California.  The blog was growing, and I think we were beginning to hit our stride and get noticed.  We even got a little mainstream press attention when I wrote our memorial to Ryo, the Sushi Man of San Francisco, who was unfortunately killed at the beginning of this year.

An Eventful Year

We got to go to the Fabulous Food Festival and also participated in online blog events such as Grow Your Own and Weekend Herb Blogging. But our biggest, most fun foodie events were throwing the Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24 parties at our house.  Starting off with the Chinese New Year Cioppino, followed by the Ultimate Rib Showdown, and then the Ultimate Backyard Lu’au, we were excited to not just cook for ourselves but organize larger and larger parties for our friends.

But we hit the brakes when we found out in April that we had to move to Malaysia .  It really put a damper on our blogging activities while we prepared for the move. But it also got us excited over the possibilities of blogging from Annie’s homeland.

We arrived in Kuching, Sarawak in August and almost immediately began making friends.  We got to know about local foods, local ingredients, and local markets. We even got to do another Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24 post, this time focusing on a local delicacy of Sarawak Layer Cakes. And once our kitchen supplies arrived, we started up cooking and baking again!

I really want to thank all you loyal readers who have stuck with us through the ups and downs.  And welcome to all the new readers who have joined us this year.  Special thanks to those of you who comment regularly – you really bring a smile to our faces by letting us know we’re not just posting into a vacuum but building a virtual community.

There is so much more that we want to do with the House of Annie.  More baking, more cooking, more events, more giveaways.  There is still the matter of migrating over to our own domain. Let’s see what the next year will bring!

Aloha,  Nate

Click below for more

Two-Year Bloggerversary Week

2008 Year in Review

Thanks and Thanks Again, PLUS a Seven Things Meme


  1. Congratulations! Not only do I enjoy your blog for itself, it is always an inspiration to me to see a couple who has a joint hobby that they enjoy and that touches so many other people's lives.

  2. Looking forward to many more years!! Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations Nate and Annie !

  4. Congratulations on your three-year blogiversary. It's really hard work to maintain a food blog for three years, especially with the special challenges you have faced this year. Keep on blogging!

  5. Happy Anniversary, HoA! I only discovered you guys earlier this year, but now I'm a big fan and loyal subscriber.

    BTW, after reading your "Bad Ass" entry I clicked the link to spam musubi and thought it was one of the funniest things I've ever read about local food. I think this even though I've never had a spam musubi and probably never will (since spam fried rice is way mo bettah cuz get egg and green onion too).

  6. Congratulations Nate & Annie!! I love your blog and looking forward to more years to come.

  7. Happy Birthday to Child #3! Where's my slice of durian cake? =)

    You mentioned baking... other than the mystery combi oven, I thought you didn't have an oven. Or did you get one recently?

  8. PutuPiring8:06 AM

    Hi Annie and Nate,
    Congratulations on Number 3 and many many more. I have selfishly been enjoying all your adventures and bakes and hardly left any posts.
    Thanks again. Hope to write more often

  9. Congratulations on your third anniversary! I'm so glad you have kept it up, I enjoy following along.

  10. Happy three year blog anniversary! I know we will see many more good food posts from you two in the years to come!

  11. Congrats Nate and Annie! House of Annie lives on wherever there is food and an appetite! ;-) Looking forward to reading more about your foodie adventures in Kuching, and beyond!

  12. Congrats on a huge milestone. Three years is a lifetime in the blogosphere.

    P.S. Did you save me a piece of that cherry-topped cake? Please? ;)

  13. Nate and Annie, Congratulations on the third anniversary! I have enjoyed reading your food adventure here in San Jose and in Malaysia. I look forward to reading more. Keep up blogging.

  14. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy all your posts, whether they're recipes made at home or restaurant reviews. My only complaint about your blog is that it makes me way too hungry! :)

  15. Aloha! Three years! Congratulations and well done! I will always remember that Sarawak Layer Cakes post. It's so unique and special. Keep on blogging!

  16. COngratulations..:)

  17. Congratulations! Three years is quite an achievement. I'm one of your subscribers and wanted to tell you that I really enjoy reading your blog. The Silicon Valley restaurant reviews were great (I'm also in the area) and reading about your adventures in Malaysia makes me feel like I'm traveling too. :) Keep it up!

  18. Congrats Nate and Annie, yes, what a event filled and challenging year.

  19. Congratulations on your anniversary!

  20. It's been great reading about all your adventures. I hope you have many more.

  21. Congratulations!! I look forward to hearing about your future adventures and many more anniversary celebrations!

  22. Happy Bloggerversary! =)

  23. Happy Blogiversary! I've so enjoyed your blog and I'm very happy that you've continued blogging since you left our little town of San Jose.

  24. @all - thanks for your comments!

    @Queenie - yes, it's nice to have something fun that we can do together in front of everybody.

    @K&S - Yes! Thank you.

    @Borneoboy - and thanks for being one of those friends we've gotten to know here in Kuching.

    @Lydia - Sometimes it's hard work but most times it's play. ;-)

    @Donna - We have a Spam fried rice post that I think you'll really love. Check it out!

    @ICook4Food - thank you!

    @J - no, we're actually baking in that thing. Who knew?

    @PutuPiring - thanks for reading, and don't be a stranger!

    @Andrea - never give up!

    @Kalyn - thanks for your support! It really means a lot.

    @Ben - :-)

    @Carolyn - actually, that was an ice cream roll cake that Annie made for Esther's third birthday. It's long been eaten. Next time ;-)

    @ts - thanks!

    @Janice - thank you.

    @Jenster - we aim to tease heheheh

    @Little Teochew - thanks. you too!

    @Little Bear's Kitchen - actually, we still have a few restaurant reviews that we haven't posted yet. You'll see them someday. Stay tuned!

    @momgateway - thankyou.

    @Ninette - us too!

    @Fresh - thanks.

    @Bee - It's all your fault! ;-) <3

  25. Sorry I'm so late in wishing you guys happy blogniversary!


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