Thursday, October 08, 2009

Vi’s Fruit Pastry

Plum Nectarine Grape Fruit Pastry Baked

My forum friend Vi shared this recipe with me a long time ago. She calls it a fruit pastry but to me it’s a coffee cake which is topped with fruit. It’s simply lovely at tea time or anytime at all actually! Just beware, it is a very addictive cake and after one slice, it’s really hard to resist going back for a second and third…

Plum Nectarine Grape Fruit Pastry

Plum Nectarine Grape Fruit Pastry

The recipe is so simple and uses the basic creaming method for the cake. And it uses up whatever excess fruit you may have handy. If you don’t have any fresh fruit handy, just use canned—they work too! I’ve used a combination of different fruit—strawberries, plums, peaches, blueberries, and mandarin oranges. Just don’t press down on the fruit when you lay it down on top of the cake batter. It will sink into the cake all on its own while baking.

Plum Blueberry Mandarin Fruit Pastry

Plum Blueberry Mandarin Fruit Pastry

The key to this cake is in the tangy ingredients—the sour cream and lemon/orange zest makes the cake come alive and is what makes you keep coming back for more. I always zest my lemons and oranges whenever I use them and put the zest in a ziplock and stick them in my freezer. That way, whenever I have a recipe that calls for only the zest, I already have some handy to use. My friend, Vi, suggests that instead of freezing, just put the zest into a jar with some sugar and that will keep it from spoiling and is great to be added as flavoring to any of your baked goods.

Plum Blueberry Mandarin Fruit Pastry

Plum Blueberry Mandarin Fruit Pastry Baked

Vi’s Fruit Pastry Recipe

200g sugar
3/4 stick (100g) butter
50g sour cream
3 eggs
210g all-purpose flour (I’ve substituted 1/3 with whole wheat without any issues)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp lemon/orange zest
500g fruit tossed with 2 Tbsp sugar (I find that 500g is sometimes too much so I slice up as much fruit as I think I will need and if I use canned fruit, I omit the sugar)

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Cream butter and sour cream and sugar till light and fluffy.
3. Add eggs one at a time and beat till incorporated in batter.
4. Add vanilla essence and zest.
5. Stir in flour and baking powder and mix till smooth.
6. Butter and flour a 9” round pan. Pour batter into pan and even out top with a spatula.
7. Place fruit on top. Don’t press the fruit down into the batter. Decorate the fruit as you please.
8. Bake for 60-70 minutes or until tester comes out clean when inserted into the cake.
9. Cool and then remove from pan. If you want to pretty it up some more, you can dust the cake with some powdered sugar but it is really good as is too.

Plum Blueberry Mandarin Fruit Pastry Slice

Plum Blueberry Mandarin Fruit Pastry Slice

You might even want to double the batch just so you can share with friends. Enjoy this cake and let me know if you are as addicted to this as I am (I love it so much that I’m now afraid to bake it as I am very capable of wolfing down half the cake myself!).

Cheers, Annie

This cake was entered into the “High Tea Treats” Monthly Mingle, created by Meeta and hosted by My Diverse Kitchen.

Hungry for more cakes? Click below:

Pandan Chiffon Cake

Our Favorite Layer Cake Recipe

Marble Cake Recipe

Malaysian Honeycomb Cake

Third Aunt’s Butter Cake


  1. looks yummy, makes me wanna have a slice too. tks for sharing

  2. this fruit pastry look really nice, furthermore simple recipe. I gonna to try this out soon. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Those look too pretty to eat! Not that it would stop me, of course.

  4. I love coffee! Would love try out but problem is; I only made less that 5 cakes my whole life,may need personal couching from Annie.

  5. That's a beautiful cake. Thanks for bringing it to High Tea.
    And thanks for those tips on zesting. I shall do that from now on.

  6. Did you get an oven?? I love cakes like this. It makes me feel less guilty about eating cake when there's fruit in it. I know, I have such twisted logic. ;)

  7. Oh, this looks beautiful... I wonder how tropical fruit will come out.. pineapple, mango, etc. I bet they'll be delicious too.

  8. This is such a beautiful cake, the fruit toppings are gorgeous! I like that the recipe calls for whatever fruit you have on hand!

  9. @all - thanks for your comments!

    @javapot - with a cuppa java?

    @Sonia - hope you like making the cake! Let us know how it turns out.

    @Jenster - LOL

    @Wei Choo - these cakes don't have coffee *in* them; you eat them *with* coffee. And yes, Annie would love to help coach you!

    @Aparna - glad we could participate!

    @Carolyn - we're using the combi that we have...for now...

    @Tuty - ooh, mango and pineapple...methinks there's another cake in the works...

    @Fresh Local - what's fresh and local where you are right now?

  10. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Annie - now that you are home and FREE when do we get to try all these yummy cakes/desserts? How about tea this weekend ?! (JT)

  11. This looks so good, perfect for using up the excess fruit around here. Right now it's guavas and starfruit.


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