Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Need your help with the finishing touches…

Rolling Out Sod on Our Old Backyard

IMG_4843 Back when we were moving out of our place in San Jose, we had to re-sod the backyard. It was back-breaking work. First, we had to remove all our raised garden beds, then tear out the old, dead grass. Then I borrowed my neighbor’s tilling machine and turned the hard, compacted clay into beautifully loamy soil with the help of some compost.
We brought in rolls of new sod, and, with the help of our neighbor, proceeded to re-carpet the backyard. I’m so glad that we had his help – we couldn’t have done it without him! His advice and generous donation of time and labor was invaluable.
Well, I’m getting ready to move again, and I need your invaluable help.

House of Annie is (virtually) moving

No, we’re not picking up our stakes again and physically moving from Kuching. (Not yet, anyway.) But the House of Annie is virtually moving to a new address…in Cyberspace!
It’s a process that has taken months, due to all the starts and stops along the way. It’s such a beast to take all our content (almost 500 posts!) off of Blogger, reformat it, and put it back on a new WordPress blog. I’ll probably blog about some of that experience in the future.
But for now, I am happy to say that we’re almost there and I am ready to get some help from some of our readers to beta test the new site before I push the big “switcheroo” button. I need to know where the kinks are, where things are broken, where edges and corners need sprucing up. I need your advice on what doesn’t work, and what could work better.
If you want to help beta test the new site, fill in this form below:

Sign up to beta test the House of Annie's new blog site design
Your Name*
Your Email Address*
Check here*
 I want to help beta test the new blog! 
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I will then contact you with the web address to test out and instructions to follow. Sound good?

Aloha, Nate


  1. Well, I tried to sign up but there was an error message with the email... you're scaring me about switching over to WordPress! I was ready, have my URL and everything but now I'm not sure... thought it was an automatic process... wah... come check out my first vlog!

  2. Whoa! The big blog move. That IS quite the endeavor. I remember you guys talking about when you were still in San Jose. Good luck with that. Can't wait to see the new incarnation.

  3. P.S. I shed a tear to think that you had to tear out those lovely raised beds. All the tomato plants...wahhhh...

  4. can't wait to see your new home!


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