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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Glazed Roasted Cornish Game Hens with Couscous Stuffing

First we made a stuffing using whole wheat couscous, pistachios, raisins and blueberries. Salted and peppered the hens then stuffed the hens with the couscous and tied the legs together. Made an orange glaze with butter, orange juice, orange zest, coriander, cumin, honey, turmeric, and a little cayenne.

Glazed the birds, then placed them breast-side up in a 425*F oven. Baste every 10 minutes until the internal temp in the thigh reaches 170*F. Remove and rest.

Roasted some veggies: onions, bell peppers, broccoli, zucchini, and mushrooms. Seasoned with salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

The entree was paired with a 2001 Mirassou Monterey Riesling. Excellent combination!



1 Comment:

hiawatha biscayne said...

i like your blog. beautiful pictures and some very nice recipes too. keep up the good work.